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Get in touch

Town of Krk / Krk island

Feel free to contact us


+385 1 63 99 770


Zagrebačka cesta 143/A, 10 000 Zagreb

Welcome to Incoming Europe

Thank you for visiting our website and wanting to know more about us.
I believe Incoming-Europe Adriatic has gathered an exceptional team of dedicated staff to administer your travel program. We work in an experience-plan office where we share our knowledge with each other for the benefit of all our valued customers.

From our modest beginning in 2011 as a branch of Incoming-Europe International we slowly grew with the years and became an independent company in 2014. In 2018 I became the sole owner and CEO od the agency. It is my greatest accomplishments in professional life. I have been in tourism industry from 2005 and experienced all aspects of it. From animation and working as a tour leader to organising big group events, tours and luxury services. You name it, we have probably done it. Successfully.

Thanks to the enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work put in by each and every member of Incoming-Europe Adriatic we are a strong partner in providing travel services.
We’re obliged to our customers who lay confidence in our team and services. The management and staff at Incoming-Europe Adriatic welcome the opportunity to work with you for all your travel needs.
Tell us your needs, we would love to help and explore possibilities with you.

Vanja Viškanić
Founder and CEO

Incoming-Europe Adriatic d.o.o., putnička agencija

Zagrebačka cesta 143/A, 10 000 Zagreb

ID code: HR-AB-01-080760972

Tel: +385 1 63 99 770

OIB: 96340997882

Poslovni račun otvoren pri ERSTE&STEIERMARHISCHE BANK D.D.

IBAN: HR1524020061100668555

RADNO VRIJEME: 08:30 - 16:30

Upisana u Sudski registar pri Trgovačkim sudom u Zagrebu pod brojem Tt-14/9374-2. Temelji kapital u iznosu od 20.000,00 HRK, uplaćen u cijelosti. Član Uprave društva/voditelj poslovnice: Vanja Viškanić.

Nadležno tijelo za službeni nadzor djelatnosti turističke agencije: Ministarstvo turizma – Samostalni sektor turističke inspekcije, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/1, 10000 Zagreb


Sukladno č. 10. st. 3. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača, svoje pisane prigovore možete podnijeti:
u agenciji Incoming-Europe Adriatic d.o.o., Zagrebačka cesta 143/A, Zagreb ili putem pošte na adresu: Zagrebačka cesta 143/A, Zagreb ili na e-mail
Odgovor na Vaš prigovor dat ćemo u pisanom obliku najkasnije u roku od 15 dana pisanih prigovora.

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