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News Incoming

Europe /Adriatic

Cornati Islands / Croatia

We will sit out on autumn/winter tourism fairs

We will sit out on autumn/winter tourism fairs

We will be back attending fairs in autumn 2021. I hope I get to see you all soon. Read our full statement below.

Vanja Viškanić

6 October 2020

Slovenia and Croatia are safe for all travelers, groups included!

Slovenia and Croatia are safe for all travelers, groups included!

From June 15th Slovenia and Croatia have opened its borders to all citizens of the European Union. We welcome you with open arms. Just stay responsable.

Vanja Viškanić

15 June 2020

We hope to meet you in Paris, Rimini or London in the fall

We hope to meet you in Paris, Rimini or London in the fall

Since 2019 Incoming-Europe Adriatic is participating in the most important tourism fairs. In 2019 we were present in RDA Koln, IFTM Paris, TTG Rimini and WTM London.

Vanja Viškanić

12 May 2020

Incoming-Europe Adriatic d.o.o., putnička agencija

Zagrebačka cesta 143/A, 10 000 Zagreb

ID code: HR-AB-01-080760972

Tel: +385 1 63 99 770

OIB: 96340997882

Poslovni račun otvoren pri ERSTE&STEIERMARHISCHE BANK D.D.

IBAN: HR1524020061100668555

RADNO VRIJEME: 08:30 - 16:30

Upisana u Sudski registar pri Trgovačkim sudom u Zagrebu pod brojem Tt-14/9374-2. Temelji kapital u iznosu od 20.000,00 HRK, uplaćen u cijelosti. Član Uprave društva/voditelj poslovnice: Vanja Viškanić.

Nadležno tijelo za službeni nadzor djelatnosti turističke agencije: Ministarstvo turizma – Samostalni sektor turističke inspekcije, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/1, 10000 Zagreb


Sukladno č. 10. st. 3. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača, svoje pisane prigovore možete podnijeti:
u agenciji Incoming-Europe Adriatic d.o.o., Zagrebačka cesta 143/A, Zagreb ili putem pošte na adresu: Zagrebačka cesta 143/A, Zagreb ili na e-mail
Odgovor na Vaš prigovor dat ćemo u pisanom obliku najkasnije u roku od 15 dana pisanih prigovora.

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